A man works in the factory that produces raisins Kabul, Afghanistan.

Abdu'llah Khan poses in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Nadir Khan Naim poses in Panjab district, Afghanistan.

"There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood. ... KHALED HOSSEINI
Three children pass by the Kabul swimming pool, which became the site of public executions in Kabul during the Taliban dictatorship, 2004

Aasim poses in Herat, Afghanistan.

A child who cleans his shoes "sciusciĆ " on the streets of the city greets the stranger, Agha Sahibin Kandahar, Afghanistan.

A son looks with joy at his father, a peddler of grapes sitting on his cart in Baghlan, Afghanistan.

A shepherdess controls her flock in the province of Herat, Afghanistan, 2004.

Abib walks the streets of Kabul, Afghanistan.

A German tourist on a bicycle talks to a policeman in Kabul, Afghanistan 2006.

Afghans are moving with unbelievable means in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.

A man drags a cart to make transportation in the city of Herat, Afghanistan.

An Afghan woman escapes from the sight of a foreign man in Kabul, Afghanistan

Goats graze among the abandoned tanks, memories of wars with different armies in the hills of Kabul, Afghanistan. Many shepherds children are victims of anti-personnel mines left abundantly on Afghan soil